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As you enter at the main entrance, you would surely see me at the Circulation Area. Say "hi" and we be friends! #TOPLibraryHo...

Friday, December 18, 2015

Last day of borrowing and returning of our library resources in year 2015!

Help me and our lovely books by taking out your memo's or sticky notes from the books that you will return and are overdue this day. Add some much needed spines to our borrowing hedgehog! Meet our borrowing hedgehog beside at our circulation area, and help him beautify.

Borrowing of our Top Five Library books are still going on. Since this will be the last day of you classes, you can borrow and just return your borrowed books on January 11, 2016. Note, don't hate library fines as long as you will return it on January 11, 2016.
#January 11, 2016  #January 11, 2016  #January 11, 2016

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