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As you enter at the main entrance, you would surely see me at the Circulation Area. Say "hi" and we be friends! #TOPLibraryHo...

Sunday, November 29, 2015


    I know that you won't read my 'about me' thingy at the side bar (just kidding...). Anyways, I wanted to introduce myself (again) that I am your Circulation Librarian at your most precious, and wonderful library in our district--TOP LIBRARY!

      I entitled this blog as "Roll Librarian". Do you want to know why? Well, I like that you should first comment below why ROLL LIBRARIAN. Hmmm, What do you think?

       I know-I know, I'm making my self-introduction exaggerated but my point why I created this blog is for online communication with you! I can share you with our new acquisition resources, current books to read for specific ages; genres; and others. Also, since I have been a Circulation Librarian for many years, and I wanted to share my thoughts, interests and ideas that you would surely like me as a friend (I'm pretty confident with that!). We be friends! Call me C-J. Just approach me anytime at our Top Library, and say "hi." 

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